Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Radioactive Plume Reaching California This Month of April: Consequences and Strategies for Americans

Our talk has been rescheduled! NBC recently carried a story that the plume containing ionic radiation from Japan's nuclear accidents in reaching the USA by 3/2014. This isn't the first threat we've seen from Japan's nuclear accident as we've had our own mutations and even deaths in many parts of the country. There is reason to hope though, despite the massive amounts of radiation that are only going to increase in the near future. Please join our call today to find out our free e-book "Foods Against Radiation", giving your powerful strategies of useful radioprotective foods and supplements to keep your family healthy. Here's the link to catch you up from March 2011
The fruit of Fukushima and Japan's Recklessness with Radioactive Material
Radiation from the air is not the only thing we need worry about.

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